Our seafoods

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Red lobster

Red lobster

Scientific description: Homarus Americanus Almost all red lobsters commonly marketed, are fished in their natural habitat through special shellfish pots. The baits are made with squid or octopus ...

Queen scallop

Queen scallop

The queen scallop is a mollusc which is very common in the upper Adriatic area. Scientific classification: Chlamys varia. Habitat The queen scallop lives at depths of around 12 to 30 metres and ...



The cuttlefish is a cephalopod mollusc belonging to the Sepiidae family. Scientific classification: Sepia officinalis Habitat The cuttlefish lives in quite shallow seabeds and favours those which ...



Squids are cephalopod shellfish belonging to the order Teuthida. Scientific description: Loligo Vulgaris During most months of the year they live in high seas, moving in large herds along the ...



Albacore belongs to the same family as tuna, included in the species of Scombridae. In fact, only the smaller size and length of the pectoral fins differentiate them. Scientific description: ...

The Truffle of the sea

The Truffle of the sea

The Truffle of the sea, or ‘Venus Verrucosa’ prefers sandy sea beds which are muddy and full of debris it can hide in. By breathing through special ‘traps’ and simply ...

Raja Clavata

Raja Clavata

Scientific name: Raja Clavata There are two types of this species known by the name of common skate and thornback ray or nasturtium. The species lives in all seas. Some species of ray spend their ...

Shore crabs with roe

Shore crabs with roe

Shore crabs with roe are shellfish, they are female crabs and are very widespread in the Venetian lagoon and fished in the area. Scientific description: Carcinus Aestuarli These shellfish live on ...

Razor clams or “Cappelunghe”

Razor clams or “Cappelunghe”

Scientific description: Ensis Siliqua Minor This mollusc lives deep in the sand in the waters of the Adriatic sea and assumes a vertical position to immerse itself in the sea bottom. The ...

Giant Tiger Prawns

Giant Tiger Prawns

Giant tiger prawns, better known as “king prawns” are shellfish typical of the Adriatic Sea. Scientific description: Penaeus Kerathurus Inshore, rather shallow waters, preferably with ...
