Our seafoods

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The cockle

The cockle

The cockle or donax trunculus lives in large colonies near the seagrass beds of Posidonia. It prefers sandy seabeds and depths of more than ten metres. It buries itself a few centimetres below ...

Octopus vulgaris

Octopus vulgaris

Octopus vulgaris or common octopus It favours living in rocky and rich subsoil in inlets, where it can hide to escape from predators. It is also fished in the more temperate areas of the ...



The zotolo or Sepiola Rondeletii is a small cuttlefish belonging to the squid family. It therefore looks like a cuttlefish but smaller. Particularly tasty in the kitchen, it’s also easy to ...

Atlantic bonito

Atlantic bonito

The Atlantic bonito, also known as the Mediterranean sarda, belongs to the scombridae family. Scientific description: Sarda Sarda These fish species live in the Mediterranean Sea. They swim in ...

Sea bream

Sea bream

The sea bream is a rather small fish, both in size and weight. Actually, it does not exceed 300 grams. It is very similar in taste to gilt-head and diplodus. Scientific description: Oblada ...



Also known as mullet, it is extremely common in the Mediterranean waters. Being a fish with a reasonable cost, it used to produce botargo, which is also widely used in the kitchen. Scientific ...

The Filipino Clam

The Filipino Clam

The Filipino Clam or Venerupis philippinarum, also known as the fake clam or caparozzolo, native to Japan, has been introduced in Europe and the Mediterranean, in particular in the Adriatic Sea, ...

Razor clams or “Cappelunghe”

Razor clams or “Cappelunghe”

Scientific description: Ensis Siliqua Minor This mollusc lives deep in the sand in the waters of the Adriatic sea and assumes a vertical position to immerse itself in the sea bottom. The ...

Sea bass

Sea bass

The “Dicentrarchus Labrax”, commonly known as sea bass, belongs to the “Moronidae” fish family. It mainly lives in mild and shallow waters, often near the shores. ...

Crangon crangon

Crangon crangon

The crangon crangon, commonly called the grey shrimp, is a shrimp which belongs to the crangonidi family and is also known by the name of the granat. Among the wide variety of shrimps, this is ...
