Laboratori Clodia diagnostics e services SRL

Laboratori Clodia diagnostics e services SRL

Since 2006, Laboratori Clodia have been operating as the only analysis laboratory in the area. They conduct their business under an accreditation regime and are a laboratory on the Veneto region’s list of self-monitoring businesses. They operate according to the quality standards UNI ISO 22000: 2005 and the technical standard UNIENISO IEC 17025: 2005. We employ the most modern technologies to meet the requests of our customers, from small enterprises to big supply chains. We carry out analyses for all the food industry, from raw materials to finished goods. Besides the microbiological analyses, our facilities are equipped with machinery for bio-molecular analyses to identify pathogenic bacteria, viruses and categorise the product on the basis of genetic sequences and profiles of food analysed in a short time.

Types of products treated:
All types of fish products, fresh fish, defrosted, whole or processed. Bivalve molluscs, gastropods, marine tunicates, water, ice, surface swabs and advisory services to firms.

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